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HomeMis- and Disinformation

Combatting Mis- and Disinformation

Sponsored [in part] by the League of Women Voters Education Fund

What is Mis- and Disinformation?
Spotting Disinformation
Forms of Problematic Content
Do's and Don'ts
  • Misinformation: sharing false information without the intent of harm
  • Disinformation: creating and sharing false information with the intent to harm
  • Consider the source
    • Does the URL look strange?
    • Check the ‘About’ page on the website.
  • Check the date
    • Is the story old news?
    • Sharing out-of-date information may not match current events.
  • Cross check information
    • Are reputable news sources reporting the same story?
  • Read past the headline
    • What’s the whole story?
    • Sometimes a headline doesn’t match the content.
  • Question emotionally charged content
    • Disinformation intends to sow division by getting us angry or sad through images or memes.
  • Missing Context
    • Images, statistics and information lacking important details
  • Faulty Logic
    • Logical fallacies like false-equivalence or a straw man argument
  • Hate and Dog Whistles
    • Terms or themes that divide based on identity
  • Conspiracies
    • Blaming boogeymen for things that are hard to understand
  • Old
    • Something that was once relevant may not be today
  • DON’T click or share
    • If you quote the bad information, you help spread it.
  • DO share accurate information
    • Without mentioning the wrong info, set the record straight by sharing the correct messages.
  • DON’T engage publicly       
    • If someone you know is sharing bad info, message them privately & ask them to take it down.
  • DO report & block
    • Report inaccurate info to social media platforms, group administrators & election officials. Block users you don’t know who share mis or disinformation.
when in doubt (red)

The League of Women Voters
Disinformation Tipline

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You can also submit tips via:

SMS: +1 859 374 8741

WhatsApp: +1 202 301 8788



Extra Resources
Follow these links to learn more about combatting mis- and disinformation